35 events found.
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1 event,
Three Bears
Three Bears
3 climbs/10-14 mph/approx 23 miles/elevation 1,800 ft Happy New Year! Let's ride. Meet in front of the Orinda Bart Station 11:00 a.m. This is a counter clockwise loop around San Pablo Dam on a route cyclists call "The 3 Bears". Not a whole lot of miles but a good workout for the cardio. You may […]
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Del Valle from Pleasanton BART & back with options
Del Valle from Pleasanton BART & back with options
Hills/10-12 mph/39 miles/elevation 1,500 ft Meet 10:00 a.m. at the Pleasanton/Dublin Bart Station (the end of the line) on the Pleasanton side parking lot pick up area. The hills are on the middle portion of the route bookend by flat roads. We'll take the Iron Horse Trail out to Old Vineyard Rd, up Wetmore, to […]