Castro Valley to Niles

Castro Valley BART 3301 Norbridge Ave., Castro Valley, CA, United States

Saturday December 21, 2024 40 miles;  4600 feet climbing;  average speed around 10 mph (leisurely, with frequent regroupings) This is a ride up and over Palomares to the town of Niles, then return via Mission Blvd.  Palomares is one of the great local cycling roads: the one big climb is gentle rollers for about 5 […]

Calaveras Road

Mike's Bikes Pleasanton 6754 Bernal Ave, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Saturday December 28, 2024 Approx. 43 miles;  2750 feet climbing;  average speed around 10 mph (leisurely, with frequent regroupings) The upper part of Calaveras Road is one of the best cycling roads in the bay area.  We go south from Pleasanton to Sunol, then down Calaveras, first to the false summit, then through all of […]

Three Bears

Orinda BART 11 Camino Pablo, Orinda

3 climbs/10-14 mph/approx 23 miles/elevation 1,800 ft Happy New Year! Let's ride. Meet in front of the Orinda Bart Station 11:00 a.m.  This is a counter clockwise loop around San Pablo Dam on a route cyclists call "The 3 Bears". Not a whole lot of miles but a good workout for the cardio.  You may […]

Del Valle from Pleasanton BART & back with options

Pleasanton BART 5801 Owens Dr., Pleasanton, CA, United States

Hills/10-12 mph/39 miles/elevation 1,500 ft Meet 10:00 a.m. at the Pleasanton/Dublin Bart Station (the end of the line) on the Pleasanton side parking lot pick up area. The hills are on the middle portion of the route bookend by flat roads. We'll take the Iron Horse Trail out to Old Vineyard Rd, up Wetmore, to […]

Shaka Shack Alameda to Pt. Richmond flat ride

Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café) 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda, CA, United States

Saturday, January 11, 2025 Moderately Steep ride: 1,391 ft ft elevation, 10-15 mph, approx. 34.88 miles  This is a RSVP event text me at 510-788-0597 by Friday 8pm. Meet in front of Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café), 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda at 9:50 AM and ride at 10:00 AM. Parking is available on Blanding and […]

Tour Of SF Neighborhoods

Saturday, January 18th, T/3-3+/30 miles   1800 feet climbing (Click here to see our Ride Rating System Page in a new tab) Tour Of SF Neighborhoods Meet at 9:45 behind the Ferry Building at THE SLANTED DOOR restaurant patio; start at 10:00. A fairly easy ride through most of SF's famous or interesting neighborhoods, with only […]

Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette Loop

Orinda Library 26 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA, United States

moderate terrain/10-14 mph/approx 34 miles/elevation 1,800 ft Meet 9:30 a.m. in front of the Orinda Library at Teatro Cafe. The start is a half mile from the Orinda Bart Station if you're taking public transportation. We'll start off on Moraga Way to St Mary's Rd into Lafayette. From Tice Valley and Crest we arrive and […]

Ride Around Oakland

Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café) 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda, CA, United States

  Saturday, February 8th Moderate hills in the ride: 950/1850 ft elevation, 10-15 mph, approx. 25/35 miles  Meet in front of Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café), 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda at 10:15AM and ride at 10:30AM. Parking is available on Blanding and Clement Ave. We will ride around Oakland, starting in Alameda (close to Fruitvale […]

Moderately Steep Hills: Shaka Shack Cafe Alameda to Above UC Berkeley to Alameda Naval Base

Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café) 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda, CA, United States

  Saturday, February 15th Moderately Steep Hills in some areas: 1,391 ft elevation, 8-15 mph, approx. 39 miles  This is a RSVP event text me at 510-788-0597 by Friday 8pm. Meet in front of Shaka Shack (formerly Little House Café), 2300 Blanding Ave, Alameda at 10:20 AM and ride at 10:30 AM. Parking is available […]

A Wine Country Loop: Alexander Valley

Worldmark Windsor 1251 Shiloh Road, Windsor

moderate terrain/8-12 mph/approx. 47 miles/elevation 1,850 ft Meet 10:00 am at the front entrance of Worldmark Windsor for a counterclockwise loop around the Alexander Valley wine region. We ride through part of Healdsburg town with an option to stop for a small bite & coffee at either "Quail and Condor" or "Plank". From there, we’ll […]