flat urban/10-14 mph/30-35 miles/elevation approx 225 ft
This is an extension of the Bike Trail Series/Ohlone Greenway.
Meet 9:15 at the Harbor Bay Club parking lot in Alameda.
We’ll log in 20+ miles to the front end of the ride. It will include a short stop at Third Culture Bakery known for their mochi items (sticky rice goodness): donuts/muffins/waffles before merging the route with the Ohlone Trail riders at 11:50. At about 1:30, we’ll break away from the group and return to the start.
Bring water, snack and $$.
RSVP required by 6:00 pm Friday, January 14.
Contact: Vicky Ma 510 813-6690 mobile/text or creativesource@outlook.com